Saturday, April 07, 2007


April in Asheville

It's been a most exciting poetry month so far. Dear friends from So. Carolina visited, and one of them, Susan Meyers--a poet of great talents--read at Malaprops' on April 1st. Carol Peters and her wonderful aunt Mary stayed with me over the weekend, and it was delightful to have their company. I was sad when they left for home.

Carol was Fiction Editor on Ink Pot, when we were in business, and is the friend who went with me to Italy last year. She's one of the smartest people I know, and you count on seeing a book of poetry next to her!

Mary Jones, Carol's aunt, has her own blog now. Not bad for 89 yrs. old, and is a wonderful, wonderful poet and storyteller. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed their company.

My new roommate, Henry, also enjoyed having company. We had a dinner party on Saturday night and he was the hit of the evening, charmer that he is.

This was the scene at the beginning of April. My weeping cherry tree in full bloom and the sun shining in the high 70's.

When I awoke this morning, this was the scene on my front porch. SNOW everywhere, layered like oleo over the world. I couldn't believe it.

The hammock we enjoyed last weekend was snow laden this morning on the back porch. Henry decided he wouldn't go out at all. Only the birds are brave on this cold morning. Brrrr.

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