Monday, June 26, 2006


Journal of Italy - Venezia (Venice) 2

For me, Venice is a magical city. Others told me they hated the smell,
the garbage, the decreptitude. I say, what smell? what garbage? It simply
didn't exist in my reality. It is Byzantine and debauched and gorgeous. I
love this city. I couldn't stop taking pictures.

I was swept away with the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, and her modern art (which I love)collection, to say nothing of her palace right on the Grand Canal. (No photos allowed) It was a welcome relief from the medieval and Renaissance art that is the heartbeat of italy. Much to my surprise I found another museum near my hotel with a Pontus Hulten (Swedish art historian) collection. Fabulous paintings of Sam Francis, Andy Warhol, Rauschenberg, Oldenburg, Brancusi and Klee, to name only a few, and housed in a fantastic building where I was allowed to photograph (but not the paintings). The Venice Institute of Letters of Science and Art. Wow. Wow. Wow.

There is more Venice to come. I was suffused with Venice, submerged in Venice.
I love Venice.