The B-17 "Wing Shed"

As it turned out, we did not go directly to Kerjean Castle, but instead took a detour down this innocuous little path.

It is alongside a home owned by Herve Simon (it's his old family cottage now up for sale, thus unoccupied). In the yard is an old open shed which has two walls made of the wing of The Big Bitch. In 1942 Herve's father, Jean-Yves Simon, pulled it home in his cart before the Germans found it, and later used it to construct a shed. (during wartime, the found parachutes were used to make clothes (even a wedding dress!) and nothing was ever wasted if the French could find it before the Nazis did.

This is one view of the wing. And yes, those are actual bullet holes in the wing of the plane. It is very difficult to grasp the reality of this when you are standing before it, in real life.

There were a lot of holes, different shapes and sizes--all clearly bullet holes.

Here, of course, was another photo opportunity, and so we did that. Jean Paul, Jean-Claude and Herve Simon stood with me to attest to history. It was surreal.

It was also just wanting to begin to rain!

A quick group picture! Bernard (hiding again), Jeanne Palut, Jean Paul, Vincent, Riwan Gestin (son of Ronan & Gwenaelle Gestin, (Brest44)), Bev, Herve, Jean-Claude and Ronan.

But wait! I had to see the other end of the shed! And it was raining!!

Okay, I surrender to the rain. This is more of the wing, yes? (darling Michelle trying to keep me dry with her umbrella).

Silly woman. Can you not see the "point"? The pointy outline of the star that was once there?

Someone indicates the outline for me. Another surrealistic moment. You really have to see this with your own eyes to get the monumental impact of the reality. There's no describing it.

Then Herve mercifully moves us into the house, out of the rain. Jean-Claude, Gwenaelle and Ronan Gestin (Brest44) in the background.

The little cottage is charming,I tell Herve. He offers to sell it to me. :-)

Jean-Claude Abgrall

Bernard, Jean Paul and Bev

Bev and Vincent

Jeanne, Michelle and Bernard

Jean-Claude, Ronan, Jeanne and Michelle

And of course, the finale to another fantastic experience - a toast!!

